18 June 2009


I know I haven’t blogged in ages and I suck. I’m sorry. I’ve been really busy at work lately which is awesome and makes me happy. My position is changing so now not only am I doing my current job which is sort of administration/personal assistant to everyone/lackey but I’m also doing sales and quoting now which is a whole new skill set I’m not used to but I’m enjoying learning. I have lots more to fill my days with!

I was just asked to have a look at creating a corporate blog for our company so now I’m all excited because I love more responsibility and being able to do something I know.
And then I researched it and realized how very little I know about creating websites so I’m looking for lots and lots of suggestions.
Specifically, if you’re interested in helping me out, please leave me a comment answering any or all of the following questions….

What corporate/business blogs do you visit that really stand out to you, and what are the features that keep you interested and coming back, what use do you get from them?

What kind of posts would you be most interested in reading on a business blog?

What do you NOT enjoy seeing on business or corporate blogs?

Lastly does anyone have a WordPress blog? I’m considering starting one up and maybe moving over there – I like the look of the site and lots of the features there, it seems a lot more in-depth and customizable than Blogger here.

Comments may be redeemable for cupcakes. Please contact me for further information.


Ruby Velour said...

I use Wordpress and really like it. I don't really know much about the differences between it and Blogger as it's been ages since I've used Blogger and I am totally crap with website stuff anyway. Oh wow, that was not of any help at all.

I did laugh at the "You'll have to speak up - I'm wearing a towel" thing though!

David J said...

I think you can only customise the Wordpress blog if you actually host it yourself on a webserver you rent space on - not if you just have a free Wordpress.com blog.

As for what is good on a corporate blog - what I like are blogs that don't just regurgitate the corporate line, but respond to people's problems with the product/service. We're all used to PR babble these days, and it doesn't take much of it to make people turn off.

zombietron said...

Thanks for the fast comments guys.
I was just looking at having a play around for myself in a free Wordpress blog to see how it works and whether it would be a good option for the corporate blog - which I imagine they'd want to host themselves.
We're not really big on PR babble, I think we've always strived to be a bit more of a 'fun and down-earth' company - but that's definitely a good point to consider. Thanks!

Darragh said...

I extremely recommend wordpress. Particularly with the thematic theme and the associated child themes.